A little more about life in Kenya!
Has anyone ever had something called junk fruit before? I've never really seen it before coming here. It is a massive fruit that grows on a tree that is super sweet, sticky and kinda tastes like bubblegum.
Here are Juli and Hamza posing by the junk fruit tree. This one is small still, not ready to be picked yet! One junk fruit can probably feed about 10 people...and the whole thing costs about 60 cents. Good value eh?

The fruit is a little difficult to open. We always have to borrow a panga (huge knife) from the neighbour to cut them open. Here is Sabrina in our house, opening the junk fruit.

Everyone in our little family loves junk fruit!! Even Maximus, he goes crazy when we are eating it.
One of the other big events that has happened in the village was the birth of SabJulStay. It was certainly a new experience for me to see a cow give birth. Anerico's neighbour's cow gave birth last week, so we took a break from our gardening work to come watch...and name the calf after ourselves of course.
Me with my partial namesake.

The birth of a calf is a pretty big deal here, it means milk for the owner to drink or sell to their neighbours. Sometimes I think about how it's pretty funny that my coffee and tea is made with the milk from the cow just outside our house. I pass it on my way out everyday.
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