Wayne was here on an interesting week, there was no school, so we were running around doing all sorts of crazy things. We were also able to take some time to relax and have a little fun too.
We went for a birthday lunch in Mumias... had chicken... which is a pretty big deal here!
Here is the market in Mumias...

We were at the market with one thing in mind.... a photo of a Chinese baby for our wall. Wayne wanted it to be his lasting legacy. It sounds so funny, but for some reason, people in Kenya like to hang these big posters of Chinese babies on their walls. Sometimes the babies are doing sports, or talking on cell phones. It's really funny and strange.
Although we didn't find what we were looking for in Mumias, Wayne was able to secure this beauty from our very own market in Harambe.

I love the straw hat superimposed on the baby. We also got a poster of a mansion to put on our wall. I have found that people in Kenya love putting posters of huge mansions on their walls too. I have tried to explain that not everyone in Canada lives in the equivalent of the white house, but I'm not sure they believe me.
The other thing Wayne and I did was prepare for the arrival of our next volunteers. We were getting ready for Juli and Sabrina, two German girls coming for three months.
We had a lot to do, up to this point, we hadn't been using one of the rooms in our house. I will admit...I was a little scared of the room. There was no window, so it was completely pitch black, and it was pretty dusty. There was also a whole bunch of junk in there, an old couch, some broken tools, some old clothes......
After getting rid of the rat that lived in there (gross!) we actually put in a window. I suppose that is a big plus of having a mud house... you can just decide to put in a window. All you need is a hammer to knock out part of the wall, and some mud to put around the frame.
Here is Wayne and our landlord, taking a little break from our work to play some soccer..

Oh... and here is a picture of Rose, wearing the necklace that Rachel and I brought back from South Africa for her. She wears it on market days or for fancy occasions...I think that means she likes it!!

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