It was a little cold that day, so Rachel and I ended up looking a little matchy matchy with our scarves, oh well.
Rachel made me take a cape picture cause we were in Cape Town. Dorky, I know.
The day after Robben Island was the big day.... the hike up Table Mountain!! Dum Dum Dum.
We had been told that it can be a little dangerous to hike to the mountain, so we hired a guide to take us up. Although it turned out that it wasn't so dangerous on the main route, it was still pretty cool to hire a guide. He took us up a different route that we definitely wouldn't have taken on our own. Notice how the arrow is pointing down for the 'recommended safe route', we went up.
The hike started off easy enough....

hmm... starting to get a little steeper.
Did I mention that I am afraid of heights?
Yikes...now I have to use hand holds!??!!
But we made it... whoot!

That evening, when we got back to the hostel, we were pleased to find out that they were having a Brai. I have no idea how to spell that, basically it is what they call a bbq, but it involved bbqing everything...including sandwiches. Fantastic end to a hike day!

We were both feeling a little stiff after that hike! The next day, a Patio afternoon was in order.
On our last day in town, we decided to hike Lion's head with another guy from the hostel. Lion's head is a smaller mountain right next to table mountains. The views were really nice. It was a great way to end our stay in Cape Town.
And with that, Rachel and I had to part ways. Rachel went to the airport to catch a flight to Thailand on her round-the-world ticket. As for me....I decided to head to the desert to hang for a few days. Namibia here I come.
Once last look back at Cape Town:

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