I know I shouldn't complain about the heat when I hear it is pretty cold in Canada right now, but the last few days have been a little ridiculous here. We are nearing the end of dry season, so everything is SO dry and SO hot. I'm actually looking forward to rainy season!
I am so overdue on blog posts! I have been busy busy busy lately. Kazi kama Nyuki (Busy like a Bee). There are a few things I want to post about, so I think I will do them all in separate posts.
Maybe I can make up for lack of posts by doing a ton in one day???
First of all....things that make me laugh. I am working very hard here on so many different projects, but it's been so much fun. I'm not sure if it is just because we are living in a mud hut with no running water or electricity -I have become simply amused- but I find there are lots of times where we just get silly laughing.
The other morning, Rachel and my conversation went a little like this.
Stacey: I dunno if it is the malaria pills or not, but I had the craziest dream last night.
Rachel: hmmm
Stacey: We were here, but things were different. Like the school was actually a house, but not a regular house, like a really fancy house, it had lamps.
Rachel: Wait a second, are you saying that your definition of a fancy house has become one with lamps?
Stacey: .....hahahhahha.... I guess so. It did seem funny at the time, why would you want lamps if you don't have electricity!
Another thing that makes me laugh, is this little guy from school:
Take a look at his shirt....that's right...it says 'single and fabulous' in pink! hehe.
Last one... I saw this hanging on the wall of the restaurant I was in yesterday:
The other thing I really wanted to add to this post was a picture of this little baby from our village. Women's hair is a big thing here, with most women either braiding their hair or wearing weaves. There is a little baby in town whose mom has somehow put a weave on....... I don't think I can describe how funny this is. Rachel and I call her 'toupee baby', that's what it looks like. Unfortunately, she changed the baby's hair before I was able to get a good picture.
That's it for now... I will talk about Kisumu trip next post!
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