It was a HUGE success. By having each child and parent contribute a small amount, we were able to raise 3900 ksh. That's $50 which is exactly one third of the cost of the well repair. Rachel and I split the difference, so it truly was a joint effort between us and the community.
We invited all of the parents to come to school for the morning to see what the kids have been up to and to have a little fun. Each class prepared a poem or a song to present, it was really cute. I had taught the baby class to sing the ABC's and Teacher Rebecca worked with them to present it. Here are a couple of the class presentations:
Then we had a speech from the Head Teacher as well as the newly appointed chairman of the PTA.
This is the baby class race, the parents got really into it and were cheering!
We had a wheelbarrow race as well as some other races,
One of the most popular races however, was the teacher's race. They got really into it. I think we are going to hang the winning certificate on the wall of the office.
We had a little prize (cookies) for the winners and a certificate with their name on it. It was a pretty big hit I think! A great day all around.
Stace your posts are AMAZING!!! I just caught up on all the Feb/March ones - I was behind in my reading. What you are doing there is SO amazing. Wow. I adore all your updates - so detailed and interesting, love the swahili words - and the photos! But we want MORE PIX OF STACE!!! Please email or fbook me your email address - I dont have a clue which one you use these days - and your postal address. I have something to mail to you!! Love ya, miss ya TONS. Lar