I think that the one thing I might miss the most in the village is a cold drink. Without electricity or a fridge, we are left with warm beverages. I think we are planning on getting a clay pot to store water in which will keep it more cool....but still.
So... Rachel and I were very excited for a cold beer. We went out for beer and pizza the first night we got to Kisumu. It tasted pretty good, especially since we didn't get on the direct matatu from Harambe, so the journey took use over 3 hours. I'm talking about 3 hours of sitting in a crowded vehicle with chickens at your feet and the radio blaring a station that doesn't really come in very well.
Ahh...refreshing! We ended up going to about 3 or 4 different places that night. It was really fun!
I'm not too sure how Rachel convinced the security guard to give up his baton....
We stayed in a hotel that had two single beds (with nets included), electricity, running water and a clean bathroom.....for 1000 ksh per night. That means it was about $6 each. CRAZY!
We woke up the next morning and went to the Impala Wildlife Sanctuary. It was pretty good. They had lots of animals, it was fun.
They even had a Simba! (Simba is swahili for lion......who knew!). It was good practice for me as I try to learn the swahili names for animals.
The sanctuary was right on the edge of Lake Victoria. The second largest freshwater lake in the world....anyone know what the first is?? Hint...it is a great lake.
While we were at the sanctuary there was also a boys high school class visiting. One of the guys from the class asked me if we could take a picture together. I said yes......not realizing what this would lead to. Soon, there was a line up of guys wanting to take pictures with Rachel and I. Eventually we just sat on a bench and ate our lunch while they took turns sitting between us to snap photos. This is only part of the group:
After the photos, they were very interested in finding out about us. It was actually pretty funny. Rachel and I were just sitting in the middle of this big group around us asking us questions.
After leaving the park, we decided to hire a guy to take us out on the lake for a boat ride.
It was well worth it, super relaxing!
But the best part was.......we saw a Kiboko!! This wasn't at the sanctuary....this was just a hippo hanging in the water while we were it a boat. How cool is that!

I was very very excited.

Although Hippo was the highlight, we did see ndege.....I like that word. I try to point out lots of birds, just so I can say ndege.

All in all it was a pretty fun week-end. We went to the craft market the next morning and came back to the village. We always have to get back to the village before dark, because the piki piki drivers go home so we wouldn't be able to get to our house!
In terms of other travel plans....I have some pretty exciting ones in the works. Don't worry Mom, I'm planning on heading South, not North. Rachel needs to fly out of Joburg on April 14, so we have decided to do a 3 week overland trip through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. I might continue for an additional week in South Africa and then I will get a flight back up. I will either fly back to Nairobi, or I have been contemplating flying back to Kampala and seeing a little of Uganda. If I don't tack Uganda onto the trip, I think I will try to take a week to visit at the end of May. YAY Travelling!! It has been really fun to be in the village, so I do feel a little torn, but I think it would be a mistake not to see a little more of Africa while I am here.
This means we are leaving in 3 weeks for that trip! Yikes, so much planning to do.
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